The À la Carte Restaurant Reception Room was the B Deck landing of the Aft Grand Staircase.
It was styled in late Georgian with Settees and Divans furnished in Carmine silk. Double doors on both sides of the Aft Grand Staircase led to First Class Staterooms. The wealthier passengers reserved a table in an À la Carte Restaurant and if they booked for meals in the Restaurant for the entire voyage, they were given a rebate. Before meals, passengers would wait in this reception room until the doors were opened. Access to the Café Parisien was from double doors located in the Reception Room and down a corridor leading to the Restaurant.
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Titanic was remembered as a "ship of flowers" by many of the survivors of the sinking. Even seasoned travelers noted the aroma of flowers was very strong on board, much more than was often found on board other vessels. It seemed that every public space on board was filled to the brim with plants and greenery on the maiden voyage, creating the strong aroma that many would later recall. The reason for this lies in the interior painting carried out on the 9th, a mere day before sailing day. To counteract the smell of fresh paint another thing that many survivors would strongly recall - the White Star Line had local florist Frank Bealing deliver a large quantity of flowers once painting was finished. These flowers were arranged in public rooms or stored with the refrigerated cargo to be set out during the voyage should any of the other plants perish.
This room was destroyed on the stern's descent to the ocean floor. The port side of the room was torn away with the aft tower and the starboard side of the room got folded back on the stern.