André Celement Mallet, colorized
André Clement Mallet as a young boy was a passenger on Titanic.
Early life[]
André Clement Mallet was a native of Montreal, Canada, where he was born on June 11, 1910. He was the son of Albert Dennis Pierre Mallet, a merchant who imported cognac, and Antoinine Magnin.
André’s parents came from France and had migrated to Canada at some point. He was their only child.
In the early months of 1912, Andre and his parents left Montreal to visit France, for a vacation, and for Andre to get to know his other relatives. The family stayed at Andre’s grandmother from his father’s side in Fontenay-le-Fleury. In April, they planned their return.
They bought tickets for the ship France, but when they heard that Titanic would stop in Cherbourg, they sold their tickets to travel to the city, and bought new tickets to board her there. André was only 1½ years old. The family was joined by Emile Richards. The group traveled in Second Class.
At the late night of April 14, Titanic had struck an iceberg and started sinking. The wherabouts and actions of the Mallet family are unknown during the early night of April 15.
They reached the Boat Deck before 1:40 A.M. Antonine and André were put on lifeboat 10, which was lowered at 1:45 A.M. This boat was on port side, and his father Albert and friend Emile were not allowed to board like all the other male passengers.
They would both perish in the disaster and their bodies would not be found.
After the sinking[]
Later on the morning Carpathia would pick them up, and bring them safely to New York with all other Titanic survivors. When arrived there, mother Antonine and André where admitted to the Saint Vincent’s Hospital to recover from any shock.
Upon release they went back to Montreal, after Antonine was given $ 4000 as compensation for the loss of her husband.
In Montreal, his mother decided they would live in Paris from now on, and their home was sold, after which they packed their belongings, to travel to France once more.
Later life[]
Antonine remarried to Léonidas Rodomanowski on 8 May 1924 in Paris, and André attended school. For the remainder of his life, André lived in Paris, unmarried and without offspring.
André passed away in Paris on September 22nd, 1973. He was probably suffering heart failure or some other disease, and was laid to rest at the Conches Cemetery in Normandy. His mother would outlive him by only one year.