Titanic Wiki

Anna Ward was the maid of the Cardeza Family, who travelled on the RMS Titanic.

Early life[]

Miss Anna or Annie Moore Ward was born in Calderhead, Lanarkshire, Scotland on the first of August 1876. Her parents were Hugh Ward and Ann Dennis. She came to America from Scotland with her mother, brother and sister. They lived in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA.

She later worked as personal companion to Mrs Charlotte Cardeza.


She and her employer boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg on April 10. Annie was 35 years of age at the time of the Titanic's Maiden Voyage. She and Cardeza traveled in First Class.

Titanic disaster[]

On the cold night of April 14, Titanic couldn't a void an iceberg and scraped her broadside against it. After the collision, investigation started on the damage of the ship. On April 15, just after midnight. it was clear that the ship would sink. The captain ordered for evacuation. As the crew were starting to load the boats, Annie was still in her cabin wearing a nightgown. She put a fur coat on top of her gown and then took some things that were on a table or nightstand. She placed these things in the pockets of her fur coat. When she offered the things that she had taken to Mrs Cardeza, she said that Annie could keep them. She made it off the ship safely in lifeboat 3, along with the family.

Later life[]

Annie continued working for Mrs Cardeza until Mrs Cardeza'a death in 1939.

In 1915, she married William S. Moynahan, also under Mrs Cardeza's employ as a gardener.

In the 1930s other members of Annie's family also worked for her. Family members recall Annie as being a bit eccentric but also a very interesting woman.

When Annie died 1955, she left some jewelry and salt and pepper shakers from the Titanic to her family. Could those have been the items she rescued from her cabin?


  1. https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/titanic-survivor/annie-moore-ward.html