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Titanic Wiki
Emilie Kreuchen

Emiliie Kreuchen

Emilie Kreuchen was born as Emilie Wurm in Germany on October 1st, 1882, as one of the daughters of Theodore Kreuchen and Anna Bauer. Emilie lived in Oldisleben, Kyffhäuserkreis, Thuringia, Germany, before immigration led her to the United States in 1897 and by 1900 she was working in St. Louis, Missouri for banker William Berguer and his family. Years later, she went to work for another family in St. Louis; attorney Edward Scott Robert and his wife Elisabeth. After Mr. Robert's death, Emilie went on vacation to Europe with Elisabeth Walton, her daughter, Georgette Alexandra Madill.

To return to America from their European voyage, Elisabeth Walton Robert, Georgette Alexandra Madill, Elisabeth Walton Allen, and Emilie boarded the Titanic at Southampton and were planning to go to Missouri. She had taken occupation of cabin E-10.

In the night of April 14, Titanic had struck an iceberg. What must have been half past midnight, Emilie left her room and found the corridor full of water and asked the accountant what was happening but he told her to return to her rooms. However, Emilie went to Mrs. Elizabeth Walton Allen's cabin and told her that the luggage room was flooded and so was her cabin. Emilie then heard a whistle and got into lifeboat 2 along with Elizabeth Walton McMillan, Elisabeth Walton Allen, and Georgette; all four of them survived the disaster.

After the disaster, Emilie traveled to Missouri with Elisabeth Walton McMillan and her daughter Georgette Alexandra Madill, but in 1913 she traveled to Germany, where she lived for several years. In 1916, she traveled to the United States and settled in San Francisco where she met Wimar Wurm, a German immigrant who would become her husband. The couple had no children. They frequently travelled across the Atlantic. She was widowed in 1960 and herself passed away in 1971.
