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Titanic Wiki

Henry Birkhardt Harris was a First Class passenger of the Titanic. He died in the sinking.


Early Life[]

Henry was born in St. Louis, on 1 December 1866. Henry Harris was a Broadway producer and theatre owner.

He was the son of William Harris Sr, a founder of the Theatrical Syndicate in the 1890s. He had a brother William Harris Jr. Harris worked for his father in the theatrical business in Boston for a number of years before starting out on his own producing plays in 1901. He managed such stars as Amelia Bingham and Robert Edeson. He leased and managed the Hudson Theatre in New York and in 1911 built the Folies Bergere Theatre.

On the Titanic[]

He and his wife Irene Harris boarded the RMS Titanic in Southampton and travelled First Class with ticket number 36973 and in cabin C-83.


Henry did not survive the sinking. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

Among the other First Class Passengers was his friend John D. Baumann, who also died in the sinking.


Selected plays produced by Henry B. Harris

  • Soldiers of Fortune (1901)
  • Strongheart (1905)
  • The Lion and the Mouse (1905)
  • The Chorus Lady (1906) (made star of Rose Stahl)
  • The Struggle Everlasting (1907)
  • The Traveling Salesman (1908)
  • Pierre of the Plains (1908)
  • The Third Degree (1909)
  • Such a Little Queen (1909)
  • The Arab (1911)


A Night to Remember (1958)[]

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Robert Henderson as Henry Harris in A Night to Remember (1958)

Henry Harris was portrayed by Robert Henderson as an uncredited performance in A Night to Remember (1958). He only appeared once, after the Titanic hit an iceberg, a steward came to his and his wife's cabin to deliver an order from the Captain to put on the lifebelts and go up on deck.

S.O.S. Titanic (1979)[]

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Ed Bishop as Henry Harris in S.O.S. Titanic (1979)

Henry Harris appear in S.O.S. Titanic (1979), portrayed by Ed Bishop.

