Titanic Wiki
Titanic Wiki

Titanic is a four-part television miniseries period drama written by Julian Fellowes based on the sinking of the RMS Titanic.

It was released in at least 86 countries in March and April 2012 for the disaster's one hundredth anniversary, April 15th, 2012; one of three such productions, the other being Titanic: Blood and Steel and Saving the Titanic.


The series is a four-part television costume drama created by producer Nigel Stafford-Clark and written by Julian Fellowes to mark the one hundredth anniversary of the maritime disaster on April 15th, 1912. It sets out to paint a portrait of a whole society, telling the stories of a wide range of characters, both real and imagined, from every social level. Their narratives are developed and gradually interwoven over the first three episodes, each of which ends in a cliffhanger as the ship begins to founder. The fourth and final episode draws all of the different stories together and reveals to the audience who survives.

  1. First Class
  2. Second and Third Class
  3. No Way Out
  4. The Sinking


  • 2,500 extras (mainly from Hungary) were hired to take part in the miniseries.
    • Nicola Methven, a reporter for the Mirror served as a extra during the lifeboat sequence in First Class.
  • Filming began on May 10th, 2011 and lasted for 10 weeks of production.
  • The production is the first one to show the involvement of David Blair as one of original officers on the Titanic.

Historical inaccuracies[]

Missing important characters[]

Factual errors[]

  • There was no dancing in First Class (like in the 1996 mini-series).
    • Just like in the 1996 mini-series, Murdoch mentions to Annie Desmond that First Class (883 passengers) is booked solid while there are empty places in Second and Third class. In reality, there were only 324 passengers in First Class on the maiden voyage.
  • Lifeboat 1 was not the first lifeboat to leave the Titanic, it was Lifeboat 7.
    • The Duff-Gordons portrayal is completely wrong, they come off as snobby and demanding Fifth Officer Lowe to lower the lifeboat and bribe the crew not to return to rescue people in the water. In real life, the Duff-Gordons asked if they could enter the boat and Sir Cosmo was only offering the crew money for payments for lost clothing and supplies.
    • All the crew in the boat are seamen. The crew in the actual lifeboat had Lookout Symons, Seaman Horswill, and Leading Fireman Hendrickson, Fireman Collins, Fireman Pusey, Trimmer Sheath, and Fireman George Taylor.
    • The number of people in the boat is wrong, there are eleven in the boat. There were twelve in the real lifeboat.
    • It was Murdoch who launched Boat #1 during the real sinking.
  • In episodes 2 and 3 have Second and Third-Class passengers in the First Class Dining Saloon during the service (with First Class passengers). That would never had been allowed, since all the classes were segregated.
  • There is no evidence that the ƀ la Carte Restaurant staff (or other Italians) were locked in a room. According to Paul MaugĆ©, the restaurant staff were kept back by stewards because they were dressed up as passengers.

Set inaccuracies[]

  • Collapsible B is shown upside down on the starboard side, it was stationed on the port side.
  • In the first episode, the First Class promenade where the Earl of Manton meets with Lightoller is on B-deck. The RMS Olympic had two First Class promenades on A and B deck. The Titanic only had A-deck promenade, since the B-deck promenade wasn't as popular on A-deck promenade on the Olympic. As a result, more cabins were added onto B-deck and the ƀ la Carte Restaurant and it's kitchen was expanded.

Character errors[]

  • Much of Lightoller's depiction in the mini-series is wrong; he is shown wearing a second officers uniform following Chief Officer Wilde's transfer to the Titanic. In real life, he and Murdoch didn't have time to change uniforms once Wilde arrived. Lightoller is shown in different parts of the Titanic and interacts with Dorothy Gibson. Lightoller would have only have been assigned to oversee the travel of the Titanic and all officers were forbidden to fraternize with passengers. Lightoller is also the one who helps the Earl of Manton find his way to Second Class; in real life (if the Earl of Manton was a historical person) Lightoller wouldn't the one to ask for getting into Second Class since it took him fourteen days to figure out the labyrinth of corridors, it would most likely have been Thomas Andrews.
    • Lightoller is seen handing out hymns for the passengers in the First Class Dining Saloon, in real life stewards would be the ones handing out hymns.
    • He never ventured to warn passengers (like the Earl of Manton or Stewardess Desmond) of the evacuation, Lightoller would have been working with the seamen to uncover the lifeboats. Lightoller was also convenient that the Titanic would not sink.
    • While it is correct that Lightoller lowered the boats at half full, Lightoller never suggested passengers to swim out to the boats. He did order seamen to open the hatchway doors to allow passengers to board the boats, but the seamen drowned below deck.
    • Lightoller is seen lowering boats off both port and starboard sides. In real life, Lightoller only worked on the port lifeboats.
  • Chief Officer Wilde's portrayal as an antagonistic person is also completely wrong. From what information we have on Wilde, he was good friends with Murdoch and felt bad about replacing him as Chief Officer of the Titanic.
    • The second episode states that the White Star Line wanted Wilde on board as Chief Officer since he had experience working on the Olympic. However in real life, it was Captain Smith who requested the Wilde be brought over to the Titanic. And the position would help him achieve the rank of Captain.
    • During the officers meeting, Wilde states to a skeptical Lightoller that he is confident about working on the Titanic as the Chief Officer. In real life, Wilde did not want to sail on the Titanic. In a letter to his sister that was delivered from Queenstown, he writes "I still don't like this ship... I have a queer feeling about it."
  • Bruce Ismay is depicted as a racist towards the Italian crewmen. In reality, Ismay was the one who hired Luigi Gatti and his staff to publicize the success of the Ritz restaurant aboard the SS Amerika in 1905. This was to promote competition to bring over the rich passengers to enjoying lavish French haute cuisine.





"One shot"[]












Part 1[]

Part 2[]

Part 3[]

Part 4[]

Behind the scenes[]
